Monday, 2 March 2009

Calling time on the Jolly Buffoon

The Jolly Buffoon Project is to end due to a rebranding and restructuring process which should result in something meaner, leaner and quite frankly better than what came before. The vicious character assignation that has led to this revaluation has been cut and pasted below...

"Martin is a man in his late fifties. He has a moustache, and seems to everything in slow motion. His belly is large. He likes old motorbikes, speaks with his mouth full, refers to women as "females", and puts one hand on his hip when he takes a whizz. Martin reminds me a little bit of what Sam might be like in thirty years time; except that Sam is already like that. Martin's slow and precise ways earn him little favour with the various contractors that come through our office, because it takes him three weeks to explain something that anyone else could explain in five minutes."

The above seems like the usual abuse but together with what was said in the pub last Sunday it all adds up to an unpleasant wake-up call. This shit has been in the pipes for sometime but this entry has convinced me that a change is required because quite frankly I am a joke to most of the readers here and although I enjoy light-hearted banter this quite frankly ain't it. Generally I didn't want to be taken too seriously but it has reached the point where people don't take me seriously at all and worst of all don't listen to me. So I have decided to terminate this blog and rebrand myself (there will be several fresh blogs to replace this one). Watch this space...


Charlie said...


Matt said...

I'm genuinely sorry to hear that Sam - I may disagree with you on points of detail on clothing and transportation, but I've very much enjoyed reading your blog.

Ben said...

Sam, I apologise unreservedly for both hurting your feelings, and mocking you in the public domain.

It's not big, and it's not clever (just like me); and the last thing I want to do is go around upsetting people. Well, maybe some people...

But not you. You're a super chap, you write brilliantly, and I never expected to be so entertained by a blog about steam trains and hats. I shall miss your Jolly Buffoonery, but will no doubt enjoy whatever supercedes it.

So, to summarise;

Sorry Sam.

My ill-considered comment has been deleted to pieces.

P.S. Nothing to do with any of the above, but this makes me smile.

Marianne said...

Aww man, but where else will I learn about hats, guns and bicycles?!

But, in the words of Thin can do anything you want to do!

And here is the video to illustrate my point

The Pixie said...

Aw Sam...while I have only met you in real life the one time and it must be said I was not on top form that night, I have to say that I have most enjoyed reading your blog and indeed meeting you in seem like a thoroughly lovely chap...

Ben is a big meanie smell face (even if I am quite fond of him)...

I shall wait with breathless anticipation to see what occurs with the new Sam... although if as part of the re-branding process you are considering changing your name, may I suggest xxxmegatronkillpigninjapiratebadboykickassgangstaawesomeo5000xxx?
...I don't know...has a certain je ne sais quoi about it, don't you think!