Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Dressing like a Gentleman

Huzzah! I've been working for the organisation now for six months and have survived the probationary period which means I'm now a permanent addition. This means that the more eccentric sides to my personality no longer need to be hidden BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!

I've been dressing in a fairly relaxed fashion with a shirt and chinos but this will change as I slow metamorphose into the true chap I am. Starting with a suit, a gentleman must dress to impress and not look gay doing so. I've found a suitable website that sells gorgeous suits like the one modelled here...

Ahhh the frock coated three piece suit, it's a fashion classic. For something more practical during the day maybe a shorter and looser cut day frock coat...

And maybe for mooching around at home something terribly loose and louche like this...

Mmmm sophisticated... Of course if you want get ahead get a hat and when funds permit I shall be visiting Lock & Co of London as well as their cheaper rivals Christy's too. Top of the list will be a top hat...

and then of course I'll need a Homburg...

...then if I need to cut a dashing figure a fedora...

...something for the hotter weather...

...of course I need to keep me nut warm during a shoot...

...and of course there's my thinking cap. Hmmm...

And now it's time for me to put on this cap...

...and hit the hay. Goodnight... ZZZZZZZzzzzzz


Matt said...

Sam, you posted so many pictures of hats, my computer crashed. I hope you're proud of yourself.

Marianne said...

To Sam,



Ben said...

There must surely be something in your contract stipulating that you can't turn up to work in fancy dress every day...

Charlie said...

Why do the models of those suits look like they buy used underwear off the internet?